本数据集包含了2019年以来发表的共1769份六倍体小麦(来源见下表)重测序数据。测序结果被比对到IWGSC RefSeq v1.0(中国春)参考基因组上,并采用IWGSC RefSeq v1.1进行注释。所包含样本的具体信息请见“数据集信息”页面。
六倍体样本数量 |
文献引用 |
通讯作者 |
通讯作者单位 |
758 |
Albert W. Schulthess, et al. Genomics-informed prebreeding unlocks the diversity in genebanks for wheat improvement. Nature Genetics, 2022, 54, 1544-1552. |
Jochen C. Reif Martin Mascher |
IPK, Germany |
330 |
Jianqing Niu, et al. Whole-genome sequencing of diverse wheat accessions uncovers genetic changes during modern breeding in China and the United States. The Plant Cell, 2023, 35(12):4199-4216. |
凌宏清 贺飞 赵山岑 |
中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所 深圳华大基因研究院 |
245 |
Weilong Guo, et al. Origin and adaptation to high altitude of Tibetan semi-wild wheat. Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1):5085. |
孙其信 倪中福 彭惠茹 |
中国农业大学 |
172 |
Yao Zhou, et al. Triticum population sequencing provides insights into wheat adaptation. Nature Genetics, 2020, 52(12):1412-1422. |
鲁非 焦雨铃 |
中国科学院 遗传与发育生物学研究所 |
145 |
Chenyang Hao, et al. Resequencing of 145 Landmark Cultivars Reveals Asymmetric Sub-genome Selection and Strong Founder Genotype Effects on Wheat Breeding in China. Molecular Plant, 2020, 7;13(12):1733-1751. |
张学勇 路洪凤 |
中国农业科学院 作物科学研究所 |
63 |
Hong Cheng, et al. Frequent intra- and inter-species introgression shapes the landscape of genetic variation in bread wheat. Genome Biology, 2019, 20(1):136. |
姜雨 孙其信 宋卫宁 |
西北农林科技大学 |
26 |
Zhengzhao Yang, et al. ggComp enables dissection of germplasm resources and construction of a multiscale germplasm network in wheat. Plant Physiology. 2022, 28;188(4):1950-1965. |
郭伟龙 |
中国农业大学 |
15 |
Sean Walkowiak, et al. Multiple wheat genomes reveal global variation in modern breeding. Nature, 2020, 588, 277-283. |
Curt A. McCartney Manuel Spannagl Thomas Wicker Curtis J. Pozniak |
University of Saskatchewan |
10 |
Jing Liu, et al. Ectopic expression of VRT-A2 underlies the origin of Triticum polonicum and Triticum petropavlovskyi with long outer glumes and grains. Molecular Plant, 2021, 14(9), 1472-1488. |
倪中福 刘杰 |
中国农业大学 |
1 |
Yan Dong, et al. Fine mapping of QPm.caas-3BS, a stable QTL for adult-plant resistance to powdery mildew in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor Appl Genet, 135, 1083-1099 (2022). |
夏先春 |
中国农业科学院作物科学研究所 黑龙江省农业科学院克山分院 |
4 |
Unpublished |
Unpublished |
中国农业科学院作物科学研究所 山东省农业科学院作物研究所 |
1. 关于本数据集
2. 关于SnpHub
Wenxi Wang, Zihao Wang, Xintong Li, Zhongfu Ni, Zhaorong Hu, Mingming Xin, Huiru Peng, Yingyin Yao, Qixin Sun, Weilong Guo. (2020). SnpHub: an easy-to-set-up web server framework for exploring large-scale genomic variation data in the post-genomic era with applications in wheat. GigaScience, 9(6), giaa060. https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giaa060
一千零一技 | SnpHub:利用VarTable查询变异数据
一千零一技 | Wheat-SnpHub-Portal数据库介绍及使用示例
- 2024.04:加入(Schulthess等,2022)和(Niu等,2023)文章的1088份样本
- 2023.04:加入InDel数据,新增来自(Yang等,2022)、(Walkowiak等,2020)、(Liu等,2021)等文章的54份样本
- 2020.12:Wheat Union数据库首次释放,包含627份样本的SNP数据