Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are RNA molecules ≥200 nucleotides (nt) long that lack the potential to encode proteins. LncRNAs regulate the expression of neighboring genes via cis-regulation or perform distal regulatory functions as scaffolds via trans-regulation by facilitating the assembly and targeting of chromatin-modifying complexes to specific genomic loci to regulate gene expression.

LncRNAs are classified into four groups based on their location relative to the nearest protein-coding genes (PCGs): long intergenic non-coding RNAs (lincRNAs) located and transcribed from intergenic regions, intronic non-coding RNAs (incRNAs) transcribed from the introns of PCGs, long sense non-coding RNAs (lsncRNAs) overlapping with PCGs in sense orientation, and long antisense non-coding RNAs (lancRNAs) transcribed from the antisense strands of PCGs.
What is wLNCdbwLNCdb is a database that provides information and visualization tools for wheat lncRNA analysis.

A wheat lncRNA database integrated comprehensive information and versatile analysis tools for decoding functional lncRNAs.
How to UsewLNCdb contains seven interactive modules for exploring wheat lncRNA repertoires.
SearchEach lncRNA was assigned to a unique identifier, which can be used to query in the Search page interactively in a pangenomic manner.
Co-expressionUsers can input a lncRNA of interest to query lncRNA-PCG co-expression networks and filter the resulting co-expression relationships according to a variable parameter, the Pearson correlation coefficient.
miRNA-lncRNA interactionYou can identify miRNA precursors and miRNA-lncRNA interactions. Two user-friendly functions are provided, allowing users to predict targets of a specific miRNA by selected lncRNA transcripts and to predict the targets of small RNAs against user-provided transcripts.
Tools Get sequenceYou can inquire and download lncRNA transcript seqence by submitting lncRNA ID.
VariationYou can explore genetic variations of lncRNAs across wheat populations based on whole-genome sequencing datasets for 681 wheat accessions
Expression profileYou can interactively visualize gene expression profiles across diverse tissues.
BLASTYou can search lncRNA sequences against lncRNA database.
Genome browserYou can interactively visualize the transcripts of lncRNAs and interrogate epigenomic signals around the lncRNA locus, such as histone modifications and open chromatin profiles.